Fostering and Adoption

No More Orphans

This month, my husband and I, along with our faith community, are packed with the month-long campaign, NoMoreOrphans.PH, which aims to promote awareness and recruit families to bring in the fatherless in our region, as well as to equip these parents, among other goals. And because our fostering and adoption journey isn't just for us… Continue reading No More Orphans

Fostering and Adoption

It Takes a Village

Our foster baby got hospitalized a few weeks ago---thankfully we were discharged last week---and we really got a taste of what experts advise those who want to venture into orphan care: everyone may not be called to foster or adopt, but everyone can do something. For example, my hubby and I slept in the hospital… Continue reading It Takes a Village

Charlotte Mason, Fostering and Adoption, Literature

Why Living Books

We recently had an equipping seminar for the foster and adoptive parents in our region, and our guest speaker, a paediatrician with training in trauma-informed care, spoke on "Reshaping the Brain." One of her points was that children coming from hard places who suffered neglect in terms of relationships could actually experience healing and a… Continue reading Why Living Books

Fostering and Adoption, Literature

The Power of Stories

I picked up a book from the second hand bookstore recently, simply because the author was familiar: a friend had given me a book by Sally Clarkson a couple of years back, entitled The Ministry of Motherhood, and I remember that it had impacted me greatly. This time, I glanced at this book entitled Different,… Continue reading The Power of Stories

Fostering and Adoption, Literature

Gregory and the Pretty Children

I always find it interesting when I come across references to orphans or adoption in all the books I read. It seems almost uncanny to find all these people talking about the fatherless like they were quite ordinary--and like it was very ordinary to be bringing them into their homes. A video I once saw… Continue reading Gregory and the Pretty Children